Description: This program seems to get stuck while running... Can you get it to continue past the broken function?
- Quickly, I ran script under IDA, saw a broken is SIGSEGV.
- This error exist went script accessed in unexisted address.
- After 2 hour attempt to pass an error by editting value and findding an address. I got hint from my friend: "read the description carefully".
- Ah sh!t, I don't have to pass the error if i don't get the error.
- Then, i read the script line by line and saw the strange function.

- Set breakpoint and use F2 to editting '0 -> 7A' in hex, i got access in print and saw the flag.
adobe payroll
Description: We've forgotten the password to our payroll machine. Can you extract it?
- Knowing this is a .NET exe, i use dnSpy to decrypt
- As I saw, if checkUsername() and checkPassword() is true, I got stringBuilder, it's flag.
Description: fix and find the 10,497th prime number
- Actually, I just search the 10,497th prime number.
- This is the correct script:
- I found all the name of this ctf author and basic color, changed the password to md5 and compare with given information.
- pass: orange-1984-zestyfe
- Use Piggen Cape Cipher to decode.
It is like an onion of secrets
- First thought went I saw that pic is steganography, i used online tool to decode and had Base64 code, decode Base64 twice and got message:
- Next, use Vigenère to get flag.
Open backpack
- Just change the file name extension to .zip and get the flag.
- For all challenge: Just open all file and find the flag.
- This is a script to find flag.