Tuesday, 9 June 2020

HSCTF 6_2020

AP Lab English Language
  • This challenge gave us a script that done something like swap index of characters of the input. After that, if input is equal to "1dd3|y_3tttb5g`q]^dhn3j" , the input is correct.
  • For the algorithms, transpose function choose new character for each character in "ret" base on "input" and "transpose". Then, all characters xor with numbers corresponding. Do it for three times.
  • For example, 
    • input = "abcxyz"
    • transpose = {4, 2, 3, 1, 0, 5}
    • Then, ret = "ycxbaz"
  • For the solution, if I have "ret" string, I can get the previous string.
  • There are two ways to solve.
  • First solution: reverse the action.

  • Second solution:  for each order, trying all printable character, follow the exactly step of source, and then compare.
AP Lab Computer Science Principles
  • This challenge requests "input", decreases each char with its order and plus with the length of the character as decimal number on ascii table.
  • For the solution, with each order, I try all possible printable char and do exactly the action of source code.
  • I received a disassembly of python code named "disas".
  • Depend on some documents on the Internet, I knew how the disassembly code show out.
  • References: 1, 2, 3, 4
  • In short:
    • LOAD_FAST: local variable.
    • LOAD_GLOBAL: global variable, function.
    • LOAD_CONST: number.
    • FOR_ITER  24 (to 48): for loop from line 24 to line 48.
    • CALL_FUNCTION  n: call the function was LOAD_GLOBAL in n+1 previous line. Arguments are n nearest line.
  • This is original python code after rewrite.
  • This is solution when I reversed all calculation.
Ice Cream Bytes
  • In short:
    • First, java file read and collect some characters from IceCreamManual.txt in function fillMachine().
    • Second, input run through numbers of function and compare with previous string which returned from function fillMachine().
  • For the solution, we need reverse the processing:
    • toppings(chocolateShuffle(vanillaShuffle(strawberryShuffle(input))))
  • To this:
    • strawberryShuffle(vanillaShuffle(chocolateShuffle(toppings(string))))
  • Also, all calculations in those functions must be reversed.
  • Here is the script.
Recursion Reverse
  • For the algorithms, script get the input and then put it into flagTransformed().
  • Each character plus with pickNum( its_index (or i) ):
    • Calculate sum of first i number.
    • If it is even then return the num else continue call new function.
  • Note:
    • When order equal to 11, num will very very big and if we use for loop, time is very slowly. To deal with it, I replaced it with O(1) calculation.
    • The type of num is int32, that means I have to use numpy.uint32 in order to convert num to int32 number before return.
  • As usual, for the solution, I try all printable character on each index, calculate and compare with the given string.
AP Lab 3D Design (unofficial)
  • In short, 
    • Input receives 25 character, then splits into 5x5 matrix, each of them are converted to 8 bit binary. As a result, we have 5x5x8 matrix.
    • Next, for each order in binary number, function shuffle1() will swap the corresponding binary bit in each element of that row together.
    • Finally, shufle2() will xor the corresponding element.
  • For the solution, I just xor and re-swap with the correct position.
  • Because of some reasons, author did not upload the challenge again, so that I could not test my solution. Perhaps it is right.

Monday, 8 June 2020

Defenit CTF 2020

In this CTF, I just only can solved Rev - MoM's Touch.

Description: My mom wants me to bring a flag.. Please get my flag back to me!

  • As usual, use Exeinfope to find the format.
  • Next, I ran it in Linux for preview and then put it in to IDA, started to reading it.

  • As I saw, if the length equal to 0x49, script will call sub_80487A0 and check the flag.
  • Press F5 in sub_80487A0, I had pseudo-code.
  • In short, sub will get rand() as v3, something at dword_80492AC[calculate base on v3] and dword_80492AC[swap bit of v1 (v1 is the order)].
  • And then, we have the comparison of 
dword_80492AC[calculate base on v3] ^ dword_80492AC[swap bit of v1] ^ inp[v1] == dword_8049144[v1]

  • dword_80492AC is hidden, dword_8049144[v1] is public. Easily, I knew that I could get inp[v1] if I xor the other 3 variables.

  • To do that, I used library gdb for python in oder to:
    • First, send fake_input.
    • Second, I used the xored_number xor with fake_input in order to get dword_80492AC[calculate base on v3] ^ dword_80492AC[swap bit of v1].
    • Then, I can xor with dword_8049144 and get the true_flag.
    • Finally, set ZF = 0 in order to continue the for loop.

  • This is the result.
set breakpoint at 0x8048804 to get ecx (fake_input) after defined at 0x8048800
set breakpoint at 0x8048819 to get ecx (xored_number) and set ZF = 0
  • Addition. In order to run the code, open terminal and type < gdb ./momsTouch > to start gdb debugger. Then, type python and paste the code, enter.

Monday, 6 April 2020

auburn 4/2020

I played this ctf at ZombieBot team and only solve 4,5/11 easy RE challenge
Cracker Barrel
  • Using Ghidra, I saw this:

  • 3 input for check_1, check_2, check_3. Receive true for each check.
  • Input must be "starwars" in order to set uVar2 = 1 = True

  • Reverse the input 2 must equal to "si siht egassem terces" -> "secret message this is"

  • For each  pvVar2[i * 4] = (input[i] + 2) ^ 0x14. Then,  pvVar2 = local_48.  local_48 = [z...!...!...b...6...~...w...n...&...`]
  • input 3 = l33t hax0r

Mr. Game and Watch
  • Use http://www.javadecompilers.com to decompile .class and get source.

  • Again, I had 3 input for crack_1, crack_2, crack_3.
  • Crack_1:
    • MD5(input) == d5c67e2fc5f5f155dff8da4bdc914f41
    • decrypt online = input = "masterchief"
  • Crack_2
    • SHA1(input) == decrypt(secret_2, key_2)
    • decrypt():
      • return += secret_2[i] ^ key_2
    • SHA1_decrypt(return) = input = "princesspeach"
  • Crack_3
    • encrypt(sha-256(input) , key_3) == sec_3
    • sha-256(inp) = de_encrypt(sec_3 , key_3)
    • encrypt():
      • return += input[i] ^ key_3
    • sha-256_decrypt(return) = input = "solidsnake"

  • Using Ghidra, I found the function encrypt()
  • __block is our input.
  • As you can see, we have the algorithms:
    • (input[i] * 8 + 0x13) % 0x3d + 0x41 == secret[i]
    • secret = "aQLpavpKQcCVpfcg"
  • It is simple now, just find all posible character can be computed into secret.

Don't Break Me
  • Open with IDA, I saw this:
  • It is a simple script that encrypt(input), save into s2, and compare with something from get_string(), save into s1.
  • Look into encrypt()
  • get_string()
    • Using shift + E to export data and get the given string.

  • For encrypt() function, like previous chall, if we send a character, we receive another character and compare with given string. But the algoritms is seem to be different from assembly code.
  • This challenge have 2 ways to solve.
  • First, send all possible character and find out the previous version of given string.

  • Second, finding character by re-compute the algorithm from assembly.

  • a_2 is second param (= 0x11), a_3 is third param (=0xC)
  • Note: This challenge have debugger_check() in order to prevent player. Wanna by pass, just set breakpoint at following address and set ecx = 1


  • This challenge did not have decriptions, just given an exe.
  • Open with IDA, I saw
  • sub_2E1120() had a long process that, in short, change a position of the input and compare with "welcome_to_the_jungle!"
  • For this chall, I just simple wrote down the algo and reverse the role of input and output.
  • Script
  • input = "lmo_ewce_j!eo_tulgneht"
  • When I write it into server, it led me to port 30009 and "question.php".
  • Unfortunately, I can not find the rest of this challenge.
  • You can read the rest of this challenge solution on this, from Archercreat. He is very great!

Monday, 16 March 2020

b01lers 3/2020

    In this CTF, I had only solved first chall of rev.
    Chugga chugga

    • This chall is too long for lazy guy like me to do. I have admitted that I just only solve this chall 8 hours till the CTF end.

    • As usual,  I open it on IDA and look for string, can't find anything there. Next, look at the fucntion name, I had main_main, main_win
    • Look at main_win and follow the string, I see the congratulation!

    • So that, come back to main_main and find the condition.
    • Follow back from main_win, I can make a breakpoint to notice the trace of true condition.
    • At the begin, after receive an input from fmt_Fscam, the input is stored at [rsp+0A8h+INPUT]
    • rdx take the input, rcx stored the length of input (rdx and rcx could be changed).
    • Our mission is rebuild a condition by following, change the input and solve the Simul Equation.

    Thursday, 13 February 2020


    • As the name, it's a simple challenge.
    • Following the condition, we can find the password. It's the flag.

    simple 0.2
    • Another simple challenge, you just look around carefully, where have a little weird.
    • Using Hex-view carefully, i can get the flag.

    tic tac toe
    • It's a simple dynamic analysis. 

    • I saw 3 function, and the 'mem' had stranged things.
    • Use F2 to editting and getting through 'mem', i got flag.

    Flare-on 8

                   List: 01 - credchecker 02 - known 03 - antioch 04 - myaquaticlife   01 - credchecker 01_credchecker.7z Đây là một bài ...